We are a collaborative and welcoming group of parents and guardians of students that works with many volunteers (both casual and committed) from the school community to provide a supportive & rich school-year experience for the kids. Fundraising and community building events led by SF PAC include Pumpkin Patch (Oct), Parent Social (Feb), Hot Lunch Program and Spring Fling Fair (May/ or June). We welcome volunteers to join us at any point in the year. We want to share our experience and actively seek input to learn about what’s important for kids and parents.
Little known fact: SF PAC does not have the email address of all parents(!) Emails are private parent information that cannot be shared from Vancouver School Board (VSB) to SF PAC. Subscribe to the PAC email here. This is where most communication with parents is done.
You can reach the PAC Executives via this email address: pac@simonfraserelementary.com.
Our PAC adopted bylaws in June 2022. See our bylaws and Code of Conduct.
2023/2024 Executive and Roles
Chair: the chair is responsible for liaising with the teachers and administration; running monthly PAC meetings; facilitating discussion and decision making in meetings and reaching out to the school community; reports monthly at PAC meetings.
Treasurer: the treasurer is responsible for the day-to-day financial health of the PAC; managing fundraising income and gaming grant funds and ensuring the appropriate allocation of spending according to gaming grant rules; ensures fiscal responsibility for annual planning and spending; provides reimbursement for approved PAC expenditures; reports monthly at PAC meetings.
Secretary/Co-Secretary: the secretary prepares the meeting agendas and minutes as well as PAC communications on the website, Facebook page and via email; runs Zoom Virtual meetings or coordinates childcare and meeting logistics for the monthly meetings when in person; posts key documentation to the parent notice board at the school.
Terri Boschman
DPAC Rep: A representative from our school who attends District Parent Advisory Committee meetings and acts as a liaison between our school and the larger VSB parent community.
Special Needs Executive at Large (SNEAL): Elizabeth Kirkland Jackman
Special Needs Executive at Large: This position was approved at the June 2016 PAC meeting. Here is the description of the positioned also approved at the June meeting.
“The SNEAL for Simon Fraser Elementary will act as an additional resource to assist families and liaison with the PAC in matters relating to Children with Special needs that require additional support for school and events.
The SNEAL would act as a point of contact for families of Simon Fraser Elementary School who have questions around or recommendations for activities, resources, products, or services that may be of value to their children and others. The SNEAL will bring these ideas forward to the PAC in writing at meetings to streamline parents concerns. This position does not limit the ability of the families to bring ideas or questions to any member of the PAC.
The position would also include providing options for resources in the community and keep apprised of matters relating to those with Special Needs in the district. This position would also help in fundraising, grants and donations for special needs.
*The definition of Special Needs: include children who receive an IEP (Individual Education Plan) and/or classroom support, any student with learning challenges and gifted learners. It will also include all children with additional needs and children with extra needs such as; allergies, eating disorders or other sensitivities that require additional support and resources to assist with inclusivity.”
Members at Large:
Members committed to creating fundraising & community building initiatives to meet the needs of the school, including a focus on integrating more multidisciplinary arts into the school.
Member at Large: Gina Chung
Member at Large: Lauren McEwen
Member at Large:
Matt Hoag