SNEAL - SPecial Needs Executive at Large

DPAC Inclusive Education Working Group updates

The PAC continues to be worried about the shortage of resource teachers and educational  / student support assistants in our school and the District. This impacts all our kids. Here is some of what we have been up to on this issue.

In response to letters from Vancouver School Board teaching and support staff unions about the staffing shortage, and to the letter from the District PAC (DPAC) Inclusive Education Working Group (IEWG), our PAC sent a letter to all Vancouver School Board Trustees and the provincial Minister of Education and Childcare on April 29th stating our support for the call for more staff to support the learning needs of all kids. To date, we have received only one response. It came from Trustee Suzie Mah who says she supports the call for more staff immediately and in next year’s budget.

Liz has joined the DPAC IEWG to ensure coordination between their efforts and ours. On April 25th, the DPAC IEWG gave a presentation to the VSB in relation to next year’s budget.

Here is a link to that slide presentation.

The key messages from the DPAC IEWG presentation were as follows:

The gap between the number of students in special education and the number of teachers and educational / student support assistants is widening:

What is SNEAL? 

“The SNEAL for Simon Fraser Elementary will act as an additional resource to assist families and liaison with the PAC in matters relating to Children with Special needs that require additional support for school and events.  

The SNEAL would act as a point of contact for families of Simon Fraser Elementary School who have questions around or recommendations for activities, resources, products, or services that may be of value to their children and others. The SNEAL will bring these ideas forward to the PAC in writing at meetings to streamline parents concerns.  This position does not limit the ability of the families to bring ideas or questions to any member of the PAC.

The position also includes providing options for resources in the community and keep apprised of matters relating to those with Special Needs in the district.  This position would also help in fundraising, grants and donations for special needs.  

*The definition of Special Needs:  include children who receive an IEP (Individual Education Plan) and/or classroom support, any student with learning challenges and gifted learners.  It will also include all children with additional needs and children with extra needs such as; allergies, eating disorders or other sensitivities that require additional support and resources to assist with inclusivity.”

This years SNEAL is Liz Kirkland Jackman.

Please reach out to her at if you have any questions or concerns regarding special needs education in our school? I’m happy to be an ear, start a support group chat, fundraise for supplies, and foster inclusion for every SFE student.


Our PAC is in the process of creating a Special Needs Education resource page on our website. We will include a step-by-step guide for parents who want to have their children assessed. We'll also be including the links below, but we are eager to hear from you if there are other valuable resources you want to see included.



Shelley Moore, 5 Moore Minutes -

  • The link above is for Shelley's website. She also has a YouTube channel with short videos about inclusive education. 

  • She describes and teaches about the evolution of inclusion

  • She is an EA/SSW in Richmond

  • VSB has hired her to be an advisor

  • She works provincially in the ministry of education 

  • She has a video on navigating IEP meetings..

Family Support Institute of BC -

  • They have resource parents, who help navigate the system, let you know what to expect in the future, attend meetings with you to take notes, be an emotional support, and offer accountability 

  • Helpful staff who can help navigate the system

Inclusion BC

  • Sister organization to The Family Support Institute

  • They are the large scale advocacy organization we have been looking for!

  • From their website: Inclusion BC is a provincial non-profit federation whose members include people with intellectual disabilities, families and community organizations The Inclusion BC provincial office provides advocacy, education and support where and when it’s needed, breaking down barriers and building communities that include people of all abilities

  • This link is about their Inclusive Education Campaign

  • Inclusion BC works under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

BC Government Designations Info Page - this is a government category Checklist.

Additude -

  • This is a website and magazine that offers a plethora of resources for children and adults with ADHD.

  • Offers free online webinars on many different topics related to ADHD and other diagnosis’

  • Emails you can subscribe to that give helpful information.

Family Smart - is an organization that offers support for children, youth and their families’ mental health.

Autism Funding in BC (for Dummies) - Nearly everything you need to know about Bc funding for Autism.

ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia – Human Rights Education - an article on advocating for help and what parents should be informed about.

FASD - What is it and how does it get diagnosed.

FASD Key Worker Program - BC Centre for Abilities website